The dangerous problem of opioid addiction.

Opioid addiction in Austin, TX is not limited to just our community. Over 130 people die every day in the United States due to an overdose from opioids. This results in nearly 50,000 deaths per year. While this is substantial, there are over 2 million individuals reportedly diagnosed with an opioid addiction or an opioid use disorder. These startling statistics continue to climb every year. This plays an instrumental part in also understanding the gravity of the problem of the opioid epidemic in Austin, TX and nationally. The U.S. recognized opioid addiction as a national health crisis in 2018.
What is an opioid?
An “opioid” is a class of drug including illicit drugs such as heroin. It also includes prescription drugs such as natural opiates and semi-synthetic opioids like hydrocodone and oxycodone. Also included are synthetic opioids like tramadol, fentanyl and methadone. When fentanyl flooded the market during the last decade the term took on new meaning. The misuse of fentanyl prompted more issues with opioid addiction and more overdoses. Opioid addiction in Austin, TX and nationally represents an epidemic. It affects nearly every American either directly or indirectly.
Our focus on the opioid addiction in Austin, TX
So, how did we get here? Medical professionals prescribed many of the mentioned substances while assuring us they were non-addictive. Some of us received a prescription for opioids or tried them recreationally, realizing too late we had an opioid addiction and could not stop. This describes the beginning of many opioid addictions in Austin, TX. Our goal at Higher Plane Recovery is to focus on how to combat opioid addiction by supporting men in their journey to recovery, not on how the opioid addiction started.
Our program
Higher Plane Recovery gives men with opioid addiction in Austin, TX the tools they need. We work on continuance of their spiritual growth, moving to achievement of long-term sobriety. We believe strongly in also maintaining the integrity of our community. Therefore, we build a solid foundation of camaraderie, provide structure in our daily schedules and demand accountability amongst each other. Furthermore, we act with integrity in all our affairs, willing to go the extra mile for one another. Our foundation is the 12- steps and the guiding principles of that program. This allows us the opportunity to envision living freely outside the cycle of opioid addiction.
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