Dating in Early Recovery

Recovery from addiction is not about stopping use.  Stopping use is a step toward recovery.  Creating a new life and letting go of “old ideas” is required to stop the cycle of addiction.  This takes time.  Healthy relationships require honesty with self and others.  Walking through the 12-steps, brings our true selves into better understanding. …
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Opioid addiction in Austin TX

The dangerous problem of opioid addiction.

There are over 2 million individuals reported to have been diagnosed with an opioid use disorder. These startling statistics continue to climb every year and play an instrumental part in understanding the gravity of the problem surrounding the opioid epidemic.

The importance of an Austin sober-living community.

It is extremely important to recognize the beneficial role of being part of a structured, sober-living community for accomplishing long-term sobriety.

Importance of employment in recovery in Austin, TX

The importance of employment in recovery.

All the time wasted while in our disease needs to be replaced with accountable and structured activities to help maintain long-term sobriety. Employment can offer that.